World Best Siteground Web Hosting Review 2020

World Best Siteground Web Hosting Full Review 2020
About Siteground :
Siteground is a very well know web hosting company, it has been working since 2004, and Siteground officially recommended by Siteground platform is powered by Google Cloud means Siteground has used Google cloud ultra-fast network for his best speed & performance.
Siteground Web Hosting Plans:
- Web hosting: For small & medium website very reliable plan.
- WordPress hosting: Especially for WordPress users.
- Woocommerce hosting: Especially for business purpose online store.
- Cloud hosting: Managed by multiple cloud servers if server down then sifts to another cloud, especially for a high-performance website.
- Enterprise hosting: This plan is suitable for big business online & high traffic volume comes on the website.
Siteground Web Hosting Keypoints Overviews :
Specification | Value |
AVERAGE UPTIME : | 99.99% |
SPEED: | 412 ms |
SUPPORT: | 24/7 Phone,Chat,Ticket |
BANDWIDTH: | 10,000 Visits/Month |
STORAGE: | 10 GB |
SITE TRANSFER: | Free Website Migration |
MONEY BACK POLICY: | 30-day money back guarantee |
Advantages of Siteground Web Hosting :
- Worldwide 5 Data server & 194 Largest CDN Network for better loading speed by using the nearest location for each of your site visitors, Data Server comes in Chicago, Iowa, Amsterdam, London, and Singapore.
- Data server has high redundancy, fast connectivity, low latency & multi-layered security.
- Free Cloud flare CDN & easy setup of Let’s encrypt, free SSL Certificate provides
- SSD Storage for optimal speed & high redundancy.
- Best uptime 99.9 % & fastest server speed we tested in Pingdom
- Excellent Customer support: 24/7 Live chat, phone, ticket
- 1 click very easy WordPress installation
- Given best all types of web hosting from beginners to enterprise hosting.
- Your WordPress website become fastest with No1 SG optimizer plug-in
- Data centre comes across global everywhere so no doubt about his sever speed.
- Siteground trusted by his own 2,000,000 Domain. So very trusted website
- Free & smooth website migration
- Smart WAF protects your website for Exploits
- Ai anti bot for malicious traffic
- Real-time server health checks
- Siteground given free eBooks & tutorial to his customer like WordPress security, WordPress optimization, WordPress tutorial, Woocommerse eBooks etc.
- Siteground Sg optimizer plug-in is a very good plug-in for optimizing the fastest website load every page. Sg optimizer is Siteground own plug-in so no doubt about his efficiency.
Pro & Cons of Siteground web hosting:
- Php 7.3 support
- Free SSL Certificate
- Free Website backup & Free website migration
- Supercacher Technology used for fastest website every page load
- Free Website Builder
- Domain Management Services
- Free CDN and SSL on all plans
- Free automatic daily backups
- High Website Security
Higher renewal rates.
Siteground is old & gold web hosting for an all-purpose website. 2020 Steve award-winning website for sales & customer support.
Author: Rahul (Web master)
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