The Impact of Technology on Business

The Impact of Technology on Business
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Technology has a long history of altering not only how business gets done, but the way society functions. Although much of technology focuses in the digital space these days in the form of software development, tech advances began long ago and have been transforming society as well as industry ever since.

The Arc of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution began in Britain toward the end of the 18th century, due to the consumption of coal and iron. The Second Industrial Revolution occurred in the U.S. during the latter part of the 19th century.

The initial round launched the age of machines and manufacturing. From simple farm tools that powered up the farming industry, we progressed to cars, trains, and airplanes.

Technology and its dependent industries grew at increasing rates. Industries that were created via the development and implementation of factories transformed society, elevating it to a capitalist state where goods and services became available more quickly and at cheaper prices than before.

No longer was everything made by hand, but parts and entire products came out of a mechanized and streamlined process. Factory life also created new sets of problems, some of which eventually brought regulations to protect the workers.

Apart from the impacts on factory workers, the expanse and depth at which new technologies changed human lives was astounding.

The History of Computers

It was during the more recent phases of the industrial revolution that the development of the first computer happened, though it was initially known as “the difference engine.” This device was similar to an abacus, but a lack of funding prevented the construction of a complete and functional model until 1991 at the London Science Museum.

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Those proto-computers evolved into machines that were able to record and store information on punch cards, but it was not until the late 1930s, in Germany, that we can identify the emergence of the first modern computer. Advances in the computer proceeded as individuals, universities, and governments pressed forward with various notions of what one might do with it.

There are in fact many “first” computers, because each introduced a new technology that increased its scope of capabilities. The first desktop and mass-produced computer was introduced in 1964 and cost $3,200.

Since that time computers have obviously improved in function and portability. As one studies the development of the computer, it is impressive to witness the progress of what would become a world-changing technology.

The Future of Technology

Living as we do in the information age, when data and research are widely available and easy to obtain, in a sense the world has become smaller. The ability to communicate over vast distances almost instantaneously has completely recast most business industries.

As technology has improved, its presence in business has streamlined many processes, freeing up manpower and empowering private companies to grow at a faster rate than in the past. Where humans were once necessary to keep the books by hand, and manually maintain customer, vendor, product, and inventory databases, many reliable software programs make such tasks far easier to manage.

The advantages and opportunities the advances in technology have brought us enable firms to be more efficient and stay competitive in the marketplace. Software from companies like Cetaris further the goals and capabilities of businesses across many sectors of industry and services.

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By properly applying tech in your business, you can reduce costs, attract and retain customers, improve your productivity, and be more capable of responding to a crisis. This will ultimately boost your company’s profit margins, reduce burnout, and increase employee morale.


Gains and innovations in technology over the past 200 years have been astounding. As humans continue to learn and develop new technologies, science fiction scenarios may soon become reality.

As companies continue to use these tools, they will enjoy greater success and growth in their field.


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